Names in the News



And now a few updates on stories we’ve been following…

Beau Berman – The former Fox CT reporter has landed a job with WTAE in Pittsburgh. It’s good news for Berman who announced a few weeks ago that he was leaving Hartford to help with a family crisis in his hometown of Pittsburgh. It’s good to see things work out for him.

Hena Daniels – The former WFSB anchor/reporter is now a freelance reporter with CBS Newspath contributing regularly to CBS Money Watch. The CBS position is keeping her busy full time, but she is also continuing to do some work for WPIX in New York.

Brian Williams – The secluded NBC Nightly News anchor has fired back at anonymous sources who fed damaging inside intel to the Washington Post and New York Times over the weekend. With regard to his eventual return to the anchor desk, an apparent Williams partisan tells the New York Post, Williams “is not going down without a fight.”

CNN – The one time leader in cable news has had a tough weekend in Washington, D.C. Maligned from the podium at the White House correspondents’ dinner by both the president and Cecily Strong(pictured), criticized for failing to provide live coverage of unrest in Baltimore on Saturday night – and if all that is not bad enough a headline in Wednesday’s Washington Post: Is CNN As Bad As Everyone Thinks? Yes and No.