Patty Rowland Joins WTIC


Patty Rowland wasn’t off the air for long.

Patty Rowland, wife of former Governor John Rowland, will join her husband’s “Church & State” radio show on WTIC.  Patty will be airing her “Weekending in Connecticut” segments each Friday for the show.

Patty’s “Weekending in Connecticut” segments were originally aired on WDRC’s “Talk of Connecticut Show” with Brad Davis.  Patty was fired by WDRC last week, the same day her husband’s show began.


  1. “the horror . . . the horror . . .”

    DRC’s best bet; a felon and a felon’s wife. Nice!

    Me, my crime and my church and whatever she does, poetry, right?

    Yipes. I thought DRC was going to an all cooking format. Thank GOD these guys showed up!