When "The Big One" Hits…


We at The Laurel aren’t big on assessing “who got the story on air” first;  it seems to us it’s more important to get it right.  But we were provided with this interesting assessment of how the story played out on the local network affiliates (WFSB, WVIT and WTNH) which we thought we’d share:

WVIT was the first station to report the news with an anchor reading the headline about a minute before WTNH and a few minutes before WFSB.

Mark Davis of WTNH was the first TV reporter on the air, doing a telephone report on WTNH about eight minutes later.

WFSB’s Hallie Jackson was the first reporter on camera at about 5:29pm and we think WVIT got the first video on the air of Rell making the announcement a minute or two after that.

Everyone was on the air at 6pm.

We expect to get a few comments correcting this. Go for it.

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