Sunday Talk


Power & Politics News12 Saturday at 4:30 pm & 6:30/ Sunday 11:30am & 6:30pm.

Host: Eric Landkroner 

Tim Appleton from Compassion and Choices & Cathy Ludlum from Second Thoughts CT on the latest push for medical aid in dying.

Rep. Jonathan Steinberg on the latest Republican proposed plan to lower energy costs.


The Real Story  Fox61  10 a.m.

Host: Jenn Bernstein



Face the Facts WVIT 10 a.m.

Host: Mike Hydeck

Sen. Kevin Kelly (R- Stratford) discusses the Energy Affordability plan introduced by Republicans this week. One of his proposals would remove certain “public policy fees” from  customer bills and finding a way to fund them through the state budget.

Sen. Paul Cicarella (R- North Haven), ranking member of the Public Safety and Security Committee, expresses concerns that cannabis legalization was rushed through and there aren’t enough trained Drug Recognition Experts to determine whether drivers are under the influence.

Kyle Jones reports on a newly formed tenants union in Hamden.


CT ’23  WFSB  8:30 a.m.

Host: Eric Parker

Segment 1 – A Review of Some of the New Bills Proposed in the Legislature
Guests:  Susan Raff / WFSB Chief Political Reporter

Dan Haar / Columnist & Associate Editor at Hearst Connecticut Media

Segment 2 – CT Principal Named National Principal of the Year
Guest:  Donna Hayward / Principal of Haddam Killingworth High School

Segment 3 – A Local Nurse Teaches Trauma Care in Ukraine
Guests:  Greg Klaus / Yale-New Haven Hospital Nurse


This Week in Connecticut WTNH 10:00 am

Host: Dennis House

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut)

Mayor Justin Elicker (D – New Haven)

Former State Representative Larry Cafero (R)


CT Capitol Report WTNH  10:30am

Host:  Tom Dudchik

John McKinney, Liz Kurantowicz, Joe Aresimowicz, Mayor Danielle Wong (D-Bloomfield) and Dan Haar join Tom

Gov. Lamont’s First Legislative Priority – Tax Credit for Small Businesses
Bridgeport Mayoral Race – Sen. Marilyn Moore Running Again
CT Bill Proposals on Vaccines, Stone Walls, Charging Ports, and yes, Dead Kangaroos