Sunday Talk



Face the Facts WVIT 10 a.m.

Host: Mike Hydeck

Dr. Albert Ko from the Yale School of Public Health on the latest metrics on Omicron and what they indicate about how long it will stick around.

Kate Dias, President of the Connecticut Education Association, explains why teachers are in favor of giving schools the option to temporarily go back to remote learning if necessary.

Christine Stuart reports on the separate tax breaks being proposed by both parties.



Power & Politics News12 Saturday at 4:30 pm & 6:30/ Sunday 11:30am & 6:30pm.

Host: John Craven

No program this week.


CT ’22  WFSB  8:30 a.m.

Host: Eric Parker

Covid/Omicron Latest
Dr. Manisha Juthani/Commissioner of the CT Dept. of Public Health

Omicron’s Impact on Those on the Front Lines

Part One:
Dr. Stephanie Paulmeno, RN/CT Nurses Association

Part Two:

 Kate Dias / President of the CT Education Association & Manchester HS Math Teacher

Finding the Right Mask for Omicron

Aaron Collins / Mask Reviewer on YouTube & Aerosol Scientist/Mechanical Engineer

This Week in Connecticut WTNH 10:00 am

Host: Dennis House

Tests and Omicron:

Mayor Ben Florsheim (D) Middletown, Mayor Jeff Caggiano (R) Bristol, Kim Serignese of Zerio’s Restaurant, Dr. Ulysses Wu of Hartford Healthcare, Lisa Carberg WTNH, Dr. Ajay Kumar of Hartford Healthcare

2022 political preview:

Kevin Rennie, Hartford Courant

Brian Shactman WTIC AM

Business expansion during pandemic:

Gina Lauri, The Place 2 Be

Remembering a legend:

Brian Phelps, Toad’s Place

CT Capitol Report WTNH  10:30am

Host: Tom Dudchik

Brendan Sharkey and Liz Kurantowicz join Tom

Covid 2022
GOP Tax Relief Plan
Democrats’ Child Tax Credit
Gov. Lamont’s Property Tax Credit
Rep. McGee/Sen. Haskell leaving the state capitol
The Democrats attack the GOP
Bob Stefanowski comments re: January 6th


The Real Story  Fox61  10 a.m.

Host: Jenn Bernstein

2021 Connecticut Legislation Round-Up


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