Sunday Talk


Face the State WFSB 11 am

Host: Dennis House

The state of the Catholic church in Connecticut

Guest: Most Reverend Leonard Blair, Archbishop of Hartford

The race for State Treasurer

Guest: First Selectman Tim Herbst  (R) Trumbull


Death of Archbishop Whealon

Reported by Steve Jarriel,  August 1991


CT Capitol Report FoxCT Sunday 10:30 am

Host: Tom Dudchik

The Real Story FoxCT Sunday 10 am

Hosts: Laurie Perez and Al Terzi

Jeremy Crisp, CT Bioscience Innovation Fund tells us about their mission to fund bioscience research and development in the state.

Mayor Dan Drew of Middletown gives details of their major plans to redevelop the city’s waterfront.

Dr. Harold Schwartz of Hartford Hospital’s Institute of Living speaks about efforts to measure and reduce the gaps in CT’s mental health system.  He also tells us about the Stop the Stigma Campaign to change the words we use that stigmatize mental health problems.

The Stan Simpson Show Fox CT Saturday, 6:30 am, online at

Host: Stan Simpson


Focus on Connecticut News12 Saturday: 7:30 am, 11 am, 2:30 pm, 7:30 pm.Sunday: 2:30 am, 7:30 am, 11 am, 1:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Host: Tom Appleby

State Rep. Terrie Wood

State Rep. Jonathan Steinberg

State Rep. Tony Hwang

State Rep. Carlo Leone


CTN: Capitol Report: Week in Review Sunday at 8 pm Replays of: The Real Story (8:30 pm), Face the State (9:00 pm),The Stan Simpson Show (9:30 pm)