Sunday Talk


Face the State  WFSB  11 am

Host: Dennis House

The Budget Battle and the Death Penalty

Senate President Donald Williams (D) Brooklyn and Senate Minority Leader John McKinney {R} Fairfield

Should Governor Rell and the state take over finances for the city of Hartford, and is City Hall to blame for losing thousands of jobs?

Mike McGarry {R} former city council member    State Rep. Douglas McCrory (D) Hartford

The Real Story  Fox61   8:30 am/ CW20 WTXX-TV 11 am

Host: Shelly Sindland

The Mayor of Stamford talks about his possible run for Governor and the recent arrest of his son.

Guest: Mayor Dan Malloy (D) Stamford

Employers Using Credit Checks

Why your credit score could cost you your dream job and why one state lawmaker wants to stop employers from doing credit checks on potential employees.

Guest: Rep. Matt Lesser (D) Middletown.

CT Newsmakers  WVIT/NBC30   6:30 am

Host: Tom Monahan

Atty. David Rosen, who filed discrimination lawsuits against several Connecticut cities 30 years ago on their promotion practices, commented on the current suit involving firefighters that is before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Juan Figueroa, head of the Universal Health Care Foundation, says state lawmakers should pass a bill that would provide health care to those who don’t have it with funds coming from the federal government.

Focus on Connecticut   News12    Saturday: 7:30 am, 11 am, 2:30 pm, 7:30 pm.                  Sunday: 2:30 am, 7:30 am, 11 am, 1:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Host: Tom Appleby

State Representative Kim  Fawcett (D) Fairfield, Westport

State Representative Fred Camillo  (R) Greenwich

On the Record   CPTV      Friday at 8:30 pm, Sunday at 10 am, Monday at 11:30 pm.

Available for online viewing Friday at 2pm

Host: Steve Kotchko

State Rep. Michael Lawlor (D-East Haven), co-chair of the legislature’s Judiciary Committee, and State Rep. David Labriola (R-Naugatuck), assistant House Republican leader, debate the bill to abolish the death penalty in Connecticut approved by the House this week.

Reporters roundtable segment focuses on a proposal by First District Congressman John Larson (D-East Hartford) for public financing of congressional campaigns, with Paul Hughes of the Waterbury Republican-American and Anna Sale of WNPR radio.