Lost Amidst the Juicier Stuff…


…is a point raised three times in Shelly Sindland’s complaint against her employer, Fox61;  her concern that “the respondent was committing ethical violations related to receiving payment for news stories.”

What’s up with that?


  1. Given their recent past are we sure we want to know? My suspicion: news stories in which a client was highlighted rather than using the “best” source.

    Or maybe stories that had no value what-so-ever except that they showed the client in a “best light.”

    Who knows?

  2. RE: Cherry Bombs (cuz we used up all the reply space. )I don’t like cough syrup flavor, BUT I used to use those Luden’s cehrry cough drops all the time & loved them, so it’s a fine line. I’d definitely try one of these.Did it keep you up, like, FOREVER, tho? I’ll have to drink it when I actually need a boost & not when I’m trying to relax, if that’s the case.