Local Radio Pioneer Dies


If you grew up in the New Haven area, chances are you learned whether your school had a snow day from WELI and Bud Finch. According to the New Haven Register radio legend Merritt “Bud” Finch, a long time programmer and voice of WELI-AM, died Monday at the age of 95. As a student at Yale, Finch began his career on the radio in the late 1930s and is known as the first person to do live radio broadcasting from a train, from a blimp in 1956 and from an atomic powered submarine in 1962. In 2008, after more than 7 decades of working in the industry he was awarded the CT Broadcasters Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

A memorial service will take place this Friday, June 8, at the Spring Glen Congregational Church on Whitney Avenue in Hamden at 2 pm.