CT Mirror Begins Fundraising


The CT Mirror, a daily must read for the state’s politicos, sent out an email to supporters this morning that announced its ‘bold’ plan for 2012.

Our plans for 2012 are bold. Under the leadership of an energetic and visionary new editor, Jenifer Frank, and with our award-winning reporters in Washington and Hartford – and with your support- we hope to:

  • Provide the smartest, deepest reporting on fast-changing  developments in state government, education, environment, health, housing and social services, and expand coverage to add a business/economy report
  • Provide the most comprehensive coverage of the 2012 elections,with special focus on the critically important U.S. Senate race
  • Strengthen our use of social media, using the full set of tools to expand our reach to the widest, most-diverse audience possible
  • Reach out to teachers and students throughout Connecticut to engage them more in the state’s civic life.

Further, the Mirror will also be accepting donations this holiday season. As Rick Green opined, the Mirror is following the NPR Model: donate for your news.

Certainly this is an investment we can all agree upon.


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