Coach's Daughter Hired by Hartford Courant


We’re trying to cover media outlets other than the Courant. Really,  we are….but they’re making it very difficult. And we love UConn Women’s basketball with every fiber of our being. But…

Does the Courant really need to cast more doubt on its journalistic credibility? Alysa Auriemma may be a very talented budding sports journalist, but hiring her to provide insight on her father’s team –at a time when dozens have been laid off at the Courant — seems ethically challenged and insensitive.

Could you please win a Pulitzer over there or something so we can report some positive news about you?

More perspective on this from the Hartford Courant Alumni site.

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  1. Gino’s daughter’s job description can’t be ” journalist. ” This is a public relations job. A very bad idea. One of many The Courant has been making. Maybe there will be a good spin on this at the end of the day ( Or season ) Maybe Gino’s daughter will win that Pulitzer and we can all write something positive for a change. But I’m not holding my breath.

  2. It just seems like one blunder after another at this now sad and fading “newspaper.” Seems like it’s all happened since the start of the new reportedly ethically-challenged publisher, Rich Graziano….who has…exactly how much prior newspaper publishing experience?
    Hello???? Tribune Corporation???? Are you still there??