Biography of Radio Icon Bob Steele Hits the Shelves


Ask anyone in Connecticut over a certain age who they or their parents or grandparents listened to on the radio back in the day, and 9 times out of 10, the answer will be “Bob Steele.” For more than 66 years, Steele dominated Connecticut’s morning drive time as the host of WTIC-AM’s The Bob Steele Show, earning him an induction into the Radio Hall of Fame in 1995.

Steele’s life and career have now been chronicled in a biography by author Paul Hensler. The book, Bob Steele on the Radio: The Life of Connecticut’s Beloved Broadcaster, can be ordered online through McFarland Books here. If you’d like a preview and some insights into Connecticut’s most iconic radio personality from the author, Dan Lovallo recently interviewed Hensler for his Baseball Beat Podcast.