Betting On a New Reporter

The CT Mirror and the Fairfield County Community Foundation are jointly attempting to raise money, and the goal is the hiring of  a Fairfield County reporter for The Mirror. Make a donation to The Mirror on October 16th and you could win a tablet. It’s an unusual tactic, but the economics of traditional journalism aren’t exactly thriving…..

The Fairfield County Community Foundation poses a challenge – raise funding through individual donations and the FCCF will match to bring a reporter to Fairfield County as the Mirror looks to extend its reach throughout the state. On Wednesday, October 16, there is an incentive. If you donate at any one of our five levels here, you are entered to win a tablet. It’s a winning proposition – your tax-deductible donation supports quality nonprofit journalism at its finest; you receive a gift; and you are entered to win a tablet. And Fairfield County gets a reporter in 2014, which is the biggest win of all.

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