All Connected II


Former WABC 7(NYC) reporter Sarah Wallace is suing her former station claiming she was let go because she insisted on reporting “the truth” about a murder.

The allegations about suppression are included in a discrimination suit asking for $600,000.

This story is of interest to Laurel readers for a number of journalistic reasons, but we’d like to call attention to the Connecticut connections as well.

Wallace worked at channel 7 on the I-Team(short for “investigative team”) with Jim Hoffer, formerly of WTNH and Fox 61. Wallace is also married to former WTNH anchor Harry Martin who has left the television news business, but is a committed photographer who specializes in highly artistic underwater compositions. Martin was co-anchor along with Diane Smith of CTN.

Let’s see, have I left anyone out?

…but again – the point being – “all connected.”