Susan Campbell Taking the Buyout


Susan Campbell, a high-profile columnist at the Hartford Courant who has been reporting and writing for the paper since 1986, is apparently taking the buyout being offered by management. Assuming her buyout is accepted (we’re told announcements are coming this week) her absence will leave a big hole. She’s written a lot about poverty and in the last few years many of her columns focused on the intersection of religion and politics.


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  1. Woohoo! Campbell’s self righteous drek has nauseated many Courant readers for years, Here’s a clue Courant: CT is NOT as extreme leftwing as many of her columns would lead you to believe. This is great news.

  2. This leaves a huge hole in the Courant that I doubt will be filled with any readable content. Susan has taught many to love, to accept, not to judge, to be nicer people, to think about and do for others. That’s not a bad legacy.

  3. This is SO sad!! Well, there’s no reason at all (save for a couple of other columnist/blogger friends) to give the Courant a thought. A sad day indeed. Susan covered the trial of my good friend Carolyn Bell, who was killed by a drunk driver in 2005. She did so with the grace and dignity it so deserved. They don’t make people like Susan every day. Huge loss.

  4. It’s death by a thousand cuts on Broad Street.

    If the goal of Courant management is to cut the heart out of the paper, they couldn’t have embarked on a better strategy.

    Susan’s writing will sorely be missed.

  5. Susan… All the best to you as you move on to the next great chapter in our career. Hopefully we will have access to your writing in the future. It has been a pleasure to read your columns and to have known you as a former employee of The Courant. Blessings to you and there is a future beyond your wildest dreams once you leave the paper.
    Patty Cousins