Sunday Talk


Face the State WFSB   11 a.m

Host: Dennis House

XL Center Project / NHL 2017

Fred Carstensen, UConn Economist

Race for Congress

Chris Meek, Republican Candidate for Congress


Gayle King at the 1988 DNC


The Real StoryFoxCT 6:30 am

Host: Laurie Perez

Race for Senate

State Rep. William Tong, Democratic Candidate for Senate

‘Travelers Edge’

Marlene Ibsen, Travelers VP

Terrell Hill, Principal at High School, Inc.

Cesar Delgado, Student

The Stan Simpson Show Fox CT Saturday, 6:30 amonline at

Host: Stan Simpson

Penn State Scandal

Resse Norris, Defense Attorney

Scott Gray, WTIC

Big Entertainment Week in CT

Eric Danton, Hartford Courant

Focus on Connecticut
 News12 Saturday: 7:30 am, 11 am, 2:30 pm, 7:30 pm.Sunday: 2:30 am, 7:30 am, 11 am, 1:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Host: Tom Appleby

Airs Saturday:

Bill Bob Frankel, Counsel for the House Majority Leader

Joe McGee, V.P. Business Council

CTN: Capitol Report: Week in Review Sunday at 8 pm      Replays of: The Real Story (8:30 PM), Face the State (9:00 pm),The Stan Simpson Show (9:30 pm)