No CT News Anchor Would Ever…


This morning’s “NewsBluezette” gave us a chuckle:

Stupidest questions anchors have asked reporters during live shots?

We heard from readers.

In San Diego, during a supermarket live-shot concerning a threatened midnight grocery-baggers strike, I said, “The contingency plans are to have managerial personnel bag the groceries.” Our blonde-bimbo anchor, who later became a million dollar anchor in LA and New York, says, “Tell us, are there any contingency plans?”

In 1988, when an Aero-Mexico jet crashed nose first into a neighborhood in Cerritos, CA., my crew and I were the first media on the scene. There were body parts everywhere amid the smoke and flames from the plane and the houses set ablaze. It was horrific to say the least. The next day, I tagged out my 6PM live shot by saying that it could take weeks to positively identify the victims. The anchorwoman then asked: “Why will it take so long?” I kept my career going by failing to say: “Well, you idiot, because they’re all in little charred pieces spread over 50 acres.”

I, too, held my tongue, which fortunately prevented an end to my marginal broadcast career. My kicker involved Madonna’s financial take from her latest round of concerts. The anchor said, “You know, she really needs to come out with a holiday album.” I squelched the ad lib: “Oh, sure, the ‘Like a Virgin’ Christmas album…”