Hump Day, Jump Day


Quinnipiac University graduate Jessica Loker has been promoted to vice president of politics and senior executive producer of Fox News Sunday. One of her first tasks may include helping to find a replacement for Chris Wallace who left the network last month for CNN+.

This means two women with Connecticut ties have a major influence on Sunday morning public affairs shows – at the network level – and therefore an influence on the weekly conversation about politics and policy in Washington, D.C.

As Laurel readers know, Carrie Budoff Brown, formerly of the Hartford Courant and Politico is senior vice president of Meet the Press at NBC.

Mike Masciadrelli is starting 2022 as the newest multi-media journalist at WTNH. The news broke Tuesday morning on social media, prompting the Dow to close up in moderate trading.

We have no names to add to this week’s news media positive Covid test list, but Dr. Anthony Fauci told a Senate panel yesterday eventually nearly all of us will be infected by Omicron.

Here’s the good news, speaking on NPR yesterday, one medical expert sought to remind the audience how far we have come in the last two years. In March of 2020, if you tested positive for Covid, chances are you would end up in intensive care and had a high likelihood of dying. Now, with vaccinations and other treatments, most people testing positive for the Omicron variant are reporting mild symptoms and recovering in a short time frame. As bad as things are, they were worse this time two years ago.

Former ABC White House correspondent Sam Donaldson once said, “there are no bad questions, only bad answers.”

Meet Peter Doocy, who prompted this inane exchange with White House Press Secretary and Connecticut native Jen Psaki earlier this week. We suspect Donaldson stands by his observation.

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