Big Loss for Connecticut Journalism


Hartford Courant Politics Editor Rick Green is moving on. In case you didn’t know that Rick was Politics Editor, and still think of him as a  columnist, or a reporter who covered casino gambling, there’s a reason for that; he’s done it all on the news side of the paper. And he’s also been prolific on the internet. He started at the Courant in 1987 and built upon every experience so well. He reported for several years, and then took that knowledge base and wrote columns which allowed him to put the facts in perspective. As a recent Courant memo said, “Rick’s work made a difference. He was unrelenting in exposing the flaws of Connecticut’s probate system, with gripping stories such as the one about an elderly Waterbury man locked in a nursing home. He wrote extensively about the state’s takeover of the Hartford public schools. And one of his more memorable columns captured the fear parents felt as they sent their children back to school after the Sandy Hook massacre.”

The good news here is that he’s leaving for a great job, and it’ s in his home state. So while he, his wife and teenage/20-something children will be leaving their home in West Hartford, they’ll be going back  to family and friends. Rick has been named Director of Communications for the University of Vermont Foundation in Burlington. Great town, great university, awesome lifestyle. But boy, will he be missed.