When an Oscar Is More Than an Oscar


Today the Boston Globe sent its subscribers an email celebrating the Best Picture Oscar for “Spotlight,” the film based on its investigative team.

None of this would have been possible without you, our subscribers. Your support is what allows us to consistently produce not just compelling coverage, but great journalism. Today, as always, we applaud you.

Two reasons this award matters:

  • Attention has been paid to the importance of investigative journalism. Given the shrinking resources that newsrooms have endured for theĀ  past decades, this “spotlight” is welcome. We like to think that in the near future, news outlets would have to think twice before axing their investigative teams.
  • Raise your hand if Watergate and “All the President’s Men” inspired you. Wouldn’t it be great if this film did the same for some members of the Snapchat Generation.
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