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Chapin to Houston

  As we reported at the beginning of the year, Josh Chapin is longer with NBC CT. He has relocated to Texas and we now...

Lookout Troublemakers

NBC CT has named a new staffer to their Troubleshooters team. Christiane Cordero is now on the case.

Morales Follow up

Follow up now on a story we told you about last week. NBC News and the Today show family have found several ways in recent...

Decision 2014 Over

        As planned, NBC CT is pulling its Decision 2014 Sunday morning special. The station always envisioned the hour long Sunday morning entry as a series...

If You're Thinking About Coverage…

Local TV and radio stations have big plans for Election Night coverage this evening. All the major local television stations are planning regular updates through...

…On The Way to the Forum

        Republican Tom Foley says his campaign was "simply unable to reach an agreement" with NBC CT about terms for a debate scheduled for this...

NBC CT Issues Ruling!

Even though Republican candidate Tom Foley is so far refusing to take part, NBC CT has announced plans to go ahead with its scheduled...

Holder's Back

          Former WVIT sports anchor Lou Holder has returned to Connecticut to join the Back9Network. Holder will be one of three hosts on "The Turn," the...

Colli On-Air at NBC CT

  We see that George Colli, recently departed from FOX CT, is freelance reporting for NBC 30...

NBC CT Hires New N'Haven Reporter

Josh Chapin is the new reporter for NBC Connecticut's New Haven bureau. He's a native of NYC and  comes to Connecticut from News 12...