Sunday Talk


CT Capitol Report          WTNH  10:30am

Host:  Tom Dudchik

Panel:  John McKinney, Mayor Danielle Wong, Liz Kurantowicz and Joe Aresimowicz .

Recapping the Murphy vs. Corey US Senate Debate
Looking Ahead at Election Day 2024 – Congressional Races
More Election 2024 – Key State Races with News 8  Political Contributor Mike Cerulli
CT’s Black and Puerto Rican Caucus on Comedian Comments at Trump MSG Rally
Is it time to end Daylight Saving Time
Ned and Annie’s Halloween Costumes
NBC Connecticut
  Host: Mike Hydeck


Face the Facts

Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas (D) as we approach the end of the early voting period, the first ever for a general election in Connecticut. How is it going, and what wrinkles still need to be ironed out? Plus, she discusses what will happen when all those votes are opened on Election Day.

Across the country, a flurry of pre-emptive lawsuits are being filed by both parties ahead of Tuesday’s election. Wayne Unger, an associate law professor at Quinnipiac University School of Law, joins Milke to look at the purpose of these lawsuits, and why this strategy is unique to the United States.

NBC CT Political Reporter Mike Savino has the ins and outs of presidential polling, and what voters should keep in mind as we await election results.



Power & Politics 

News12  Saturday at 4:30 pm/ Sunday 11:30am.


Host:  Mark Sudol 

The state Chairs of both the Republican and Democratic parties on Tuesday’s election, early voting and voting habits.

Rabbi Daniel Cohen on Senator Joe Lieberman’s book that has been released after he passed called “Faith’s Answers to America’s Political Crisis: How Religion Can Help Us Out of the Mess We’re In.”

John Craven on the last weekend of early voting.

WFSB  8:30 a.m.



CT ’24 
Host:  Eric Parker


U.S. Sen. Chris Murphy (D) for U.S.

Matt Corey (R ) for U.S. Senate

James LaCoursiere, Jr. … Connecticut Veteran Elected to Lead the American Legion for 2024-2025

This Week in Connecticut   
Host: Dennis House    WTNH 10:00 am

Election 2024 preview:

Themis Klarides (R)   former House minority leader

Shawn Wooden D  former state treasurer

City and suburb team up:

Mayor Arunan Arulampalam (D)  Hartford

Mayor Connor Martin (D)  East Hartford

Restaurant industry update:

Scott Dolch, CT Restaurant Association


The Real Story  Fox61  10 a.m.

Host: Emma Wulfhorst


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