Sunday Talk

CT ’24       WFSB  8:30 a.m.
Host: Eric Parker

Segment 1 – Bill Alexander / CEO of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund on the just-released 2023 Law Enforcement Fatalities Report

Segment 2 – The New FAFSA – Betsy Morgan/Founder and CEO of College Matters
Segment 3 – Politics with CT Insider’s Dan Haar

This Week in Connecticut WTNH 10:00 am

Host: Dennis House

Republican outlook 2024:
Ben Proto CT GOP chairman
CT becoming food destination:
Scott Dolch CT Restaurant association
Attracting young people to politics:
State Rep Corey Paris

CT Capitol Report WTNH  10:30am

Host:  Tom Dudchik

John McKinney, Liz Kurantowicz, Mayor Danielle Wong, and Deputy Housing Commissioner Brandon McGee join Tom

Pro-Palestine protesters interrupt Gov. Lamont address in New Haven
Legislative leaders talk more about 2024 session priorities
Secretary of the State on the work to get early voting in place for 2024
Neil Vigdor, The New York TImes joins to talk 2024 GOP Presidential Primaries
Year One of adult-use retail cannabis in Connecticut
Why it might it be time to end ZOOM calls into state government meetings & hearings!

News12  Saturday at 4:30 pm & 6:30/ Sunday 11:30am & 6:30pm.

Power & Politics   

Host:  Mark Sudol fills in for Eric Landskroner

Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas on election security

Rob Blanchard, Democratic candidate for State Senate (28th District)

Seth Greeman on college funding

The Real Story  Fox61  10 a.m.

Host: Emma Wulfhorst


State Senator Tony Hwang (R) /Connecticut A.I. Taskforce


Mary-Jane Foster/President & CEO, Interval House


Face the Facts

Host: Mike Hydeck

U.S. Rep. Jim Himes (D- 4th District) joins Mike to discuss how Congress is working to avoid a government shutdown next Friday, and what needs to be done about the crisis at the border.

CT State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) Chancellor Terrence Cheng is in studio to address the plans to close a $140 million budget deficit, which includes buyouts and tuition increases.

Jeremy Chen reports on the plan to shape New Haven’s future with Vision 2034.













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