Sunday Talk


Face the Facts WVIT 10 a.m.

Host: Mike Hydeck

No broadcast this Sunday.


CT ’23  WFSB  8:30 a.m.

Host: Eric Parker

Segment 1 – Bridgeport Mayoral Candidate John Gomes and Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim on the Controversial Mayoral Primary fallout

Segment 2 – Steve Sullivan, President of CT Operations at Eversource, on Rising Electric Rates and Ways to Reduce Electric Bills this winter and beyond

Segment 3 – Eric Stone, Businessman and Author of Jumpstart Your Workplace Culture:  A Road Map for Igniting High Performance

This Week in Connecticut WTNH 10:00 am

Host: Dennis House

New Laws and more:

DOT Commissioner Garrett Eucalitto

Race for Wallingford Mayor

Riley O’Connell (D)

Race for West Haven Mayor

Dorinda Borer (D)

CT Capitol Report WTNH  10:30am

Host:  Tom Dudchik

John McKinney, Liz Kurantowicz, Joe Aresimowicz, and Mike Cerulli join Tom

Lawmakers return for special session, discussions surrounding Bridgeport ballot investigation

5th Congressional District looking like a Hayes vs. Logan rematch

CT Senators react to bribery charges for NJ Sen. Bob Menendez

State Sen. Saud Anwar (D) on hospital sale negotiations

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on state of public education

Signs, Signs, Everywhere (Campaign) Signs


Power & Politics News12 Saturday at 4:30 pm & 6:30/ Sunday 11:30am & 6:30pm.

Host: Eric Landskroner


The Real Story  Fox61  10 a.m.

Host: Emma Wulfhorst