Sunday Talk


Face the State WFSB 11 am

Host: Dennis House

· State Senator Sam Caligiuri (R-Waterbury) who announced this week he’ll seek the Republican nomination to run against U.S. Senator Chris Dodd.

· 2004 GOP Senate Nominee Jack Orchulli reveals his plans for a possible rematch against Dodd.

· Analysis from Hartford Business Journal columnist Dean Pagani and discussion of the recent Quinnipiac University poll

The Real Story Fox61 8:30 am/ CW20 WTXX-TV 11 am

Host: Shelly Sindland

· State Senator Sam Caligiuri (R-Waterbury) who announced this week he’ll seek the Republican nomination to run against U.S. Senator Chris Dodd.

· State Senate Minority Leader John McKinney (R-Southport) on whether he may seek the 4th District congressional seat which his late father held.

· Superior Court Judge Douglas Mintz on a new court mediation program which is helping people keep their homes.

CT Newsmakers WVIT/NBC30 6:30 am

Host: Tom Monahan

Focus on Connecticut News12 Saturday: 7:30 am, 11 am, 2:30 pm, 7:30 pm. Sunday: 2:30 am, 7:30 am, 11 am, 1:30 pm, 5:30 pm

Host: Tom Appleby

  • House Minority Leader Larry Cafero (R-Norwalk)
  • Speaker of the House Christopher Donovan (D-Meriden)

On the Record CPTV Friday at 8:30 pm, Sunday at 10 am, Monday at 11:30 pm.

Available for online viewing Friday at 2pm

Host: Steve Kotchko

· Senate President Pro Tem Don Williams (D-Brooklyn) and House Minority Leader Larry Cafero (R-Norwalk) discuss the Democratic alternative budget and tax proposal

· “Notes from the Capitol” segment with Keith Phaneuf of the Journal Inquirer

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  1. It’s too bad that WTNH does not have one of these shows. With all the experience and recognition Mark Davis has… come on folks, that’s pretty sad for an ABC affiliate in a top 25 (or is it 30 now) market!