Some Campaign 2012 Winners and…Not Winners….



  • Any CT media outlet (TV, radio, print and online) that accepts political advertising.
  • Connecticut’s State Senate, which has added to its diversity with the election of its first two Latino members – Ayala (D) Bridgeport, Linares (R) Westbrook.
  • The Journal Register Company newspapers whose website dedicated to the 5th congressional district race became a must-read.


Photo: Veteran radio personality Brad Davis records first-ever endorsement of a political candidate in our newest ad. Listen: and SHARE if you agree with Brad! ~Staff
  • In his campaign radio ad, WDRC-AM’s Brad Davis told us that in 50 years of broadcasting he never endorsed a candidate but that he was now endorsing Linda McMahon. If something’s worked for 50 years, you might want to think twice before changing it.
  • The audience-attended debates at the Garde Arts Center in New London. Major kudos to The Day and WTNH for consistently hosting these events, but during the past two U.S. Senate contests (Blumenthal-McMahon 2010, Murphy-McMahon 2012) the attendees have gotten out of hand. Time to reconsider the set-up for the 2014 gubernatorial race.


  1. “the attendees have gotten out of hand” – These outbursts are a designed distraction robbing the general public of an adult conversation about our futures.

    A far better design would have editors and reporters from around the state ask pointed questions and facilitate substantiate answers.

    McMahon’s campaign strategy simply avoided any conversation with the media but the public long remembers her thirty years, and now global, marketing of violence to children.

    If five or ten informed and professional commentators could guide a discussion among candidates in a collegial atmosphere Connecticut voters would have a better reason to watch and a far better understanding of their candidates and the issues facing the State.

    Candidates would be held accountable for their reasoning and command of the facts to those they represent. Why shouldn’t Connecticut lead in this grown up discussion instead of following the tribal mentality of violent fictions?

    It is the cheapening of our discussion and avoidance of any substance that is undermining our Democracy. Political debates are of little use when they are conducted in an atmosphere of orchestrated violence and ignorance as in McMahon’s professional world of violent entertainment.

  2. Hmmm maybe it’s time for Buckley Radio to offer Brad a retirement package, let him announce the decision as if it were his own and get him out. There’s a difference between being an icon and being an embarrassment to yourself. He is a drag on the station and his retirement (and quite possibly the replacement of the program director) should signal a rebirth of the Talk of Connecticut. The lineup as it stands is a joke with zero credibility. If you can’t beat in the ratings an ex-felon governor who went to prison, you are doing something wrong.

  3. Once a felon, always a felon.

    ““He has corrupted the office of the governor as if he took a bag of cash in a dark alley,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Nora Dannehy told Dorsey. “He was corrupt. It was a six-year conspiracy to deprive this state of honest services.”

    Dorsey sentenced Rowland to a year plus one day in prison, four months of home confinement and three years of supervised release. He ordered Rowland to report to prison on April 1 in Ayer, Mass. Rowland was fined $82,000 and ordered to do 300 hours of community service.

    “Officials are expected to serve not his own interest or the interest of his friends, but the highest interest of the community,” Dorsey said. “Gratuities were accepted as if they were his due.”

    Let the good reader remember, even as the felon now sells himself as sage to children who cannot remember his crimes, (except from the recent Wilson Foley debacle), Johnny isn’t an ex-felon, he is a felon.

    It must be nice to enjoy a lavish taxpayer funded retirement while orchestrating a “six-year conspiracy”. A short memory doesn’t serve the journalist, maybe Johnny, but not the public and not a journalist.