Shelly Sindland Leaving Fox61


Posted on  Shelly Sindland’s Facebook page:

Hello Facebook friends! Since the word is already getting out–I thought I would let you know that after almost 15 years at Fox 61, I am leaving when my contract expires on June 13th. I do not have a job as of yet but have a few things cooking and will post my plans closer to my departure on my blog! I am so EXCITED about the future. This is a good thing!

Readers of The Laurel are familiar with Shelly’s complaint against FOX61. According to her attorney, Gregg Adler, her complaint is pending with the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.


  1. Good for you, Shelly. Your experience and reporting integrity have become, over about the past two years, far above the standard required by Fox 61s so-called news. It is clear where 61 has been headed…on a clear .. *ahem* .. “youth movement.”

    Your future is bright. Leave that place behind and best wishes.

  2. Well, just take a look at WTIC 1080AM radio

    First it was Jim Vicevich show got canceled
    leaving Poor Ray to do the show…then they got
    one of the sports guys to do the show…that lasted all of a week and a half…now they got Sebastian in …and he said on his show today they only hired him for 1 week…this is all to good to be true…

    Shelly, trust me I think your doing yourself a HUGE FAVOR by leaving….you must of smelt the ___________ flying through the air and timing your leaving before it hits the fan.

    Good for you girl!

  3. seems like FOX 61 or FOX CT, (or whatever they are calling themselves now.) is focusing more on having young attractive females and ‘older’ men on their roster. Look at this past weekend. They had Nicole Jacobs anchor on Saturday (she is a much better reporter than anchor) and Jennifer Lamers on Sunday. In addition to that they have a young attractive weather person (she is great though so we will look past that). Then during the week they have the 24 or maybe she is now 25 yr old pageant girl Sarah French (should be entertainment correspondent), and at night they have Erika Arias (cant get a sentence out without making a mistake).
    I think it won’t be long for Laurie Perez to leave the station as well, leaving only Sarah Cody (not even a general assignment reporter) as the only female reporter over 30 yrs old!!

    Overall, FOX CT, the new studio looks great, HD is great, but the people you have delivering the news, not so great!

  4. Wait, wait, wait! People want looks over substance? Don’t they? I mean, I’d much rather watch a college sophomore tell me about the goings-on at the capital than say…a veteran political reporter with years of experience.

    Plus, I simply can’t get enough Brittany Spears news – and we certainly can’t have a “Diane Sawyer” type doing that…