Liz Grey Godbout Leaves Fox61


It sounded to us like a real boon to Fox61 – Liz Grey Godbout (see our posting of 9/22/09) signing on as a news consultant. But we learned this weekend that she has stepped down. We contacted her and asked for a comment:

” I am grateful for the wonderful opportunity Rich Graziano and Tribune gave me by bringing me in to help with the news.  Personally it was thrilling to help contribute to what will be the largest single information center in the state.  It is a very exciting time for everyone at The Hartford Courant and Fox 61 as they work to make this a successful venture.”


  1. exercise does not help much with losnig weight you really have to cut out all the junk from your diet and have smaller portions of wholesome nutritious food. Take it from someone who has been overweight for longer than you have been alive: do not allow food to become a thing that controls you. Just use it as fuel.