Investment in News


Tyler Sizemore and Mackenzie Rigg arrive for a two week reporting trip in Uganda.

Once again Hearst Connecticut is making an unusual investment in news gathering considering the state of the industry.

The papers have sent a reporter and photographer to Uganda for two weeks to observe doctors and other medical staff from the Western Connecticut Health Network who are treating patients there.

Reporter Mackenzie Rigg of the Danbury News Times and photographer Tyler Sizemore of the Greenwich Time landed in Uganda last week after 24 straight hours of travel. As they gather information for their eventual long form report you can follow their story on Instagram @mackhearst and on Twitter @mackrigg. Their full report will be published in Hearst papers in September.

Many of you will remember Hearst’s decision to assign Ted Mann(now of the Wall Street Journal) to follow the inner workings of the Malloy administration for a full year. Mann’s work was eventually turned into a 20 part series.

H/T – Tom Dudchik

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