Dr. Mel Passes


Via WTNH, Dr. Mel has passed away. Our condolences to his friends and family.

A service will take place Friday January 20th at 10:30 am at the Robert E Shure Funeral Home in New Haven.

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  1. Dr. Mel was a friend and a colleague, a true educator. He helped my wife through the depression of having cancer and was the epitome of a survivor / fighter. I had worked with him while getting my 6th Yr. degree at Southern. He had an infectious sense of humor that will truly be missed. But we are all better people having known him, if only on the TV screen. A very unique & innovative class act has left us. Although my eyes may get moist my heart will always smile in his memory.

  2. As the fellow who first put Dr. Mel on TV, I am deeply
    saddened by his passing. He was a class act from day
    one when I learned of his work at WESCON and convinced
    him to come to work in Stamford, CT at Satellite
    NewsChannel, the world’s FIRST all-live 24-hr. cable news
    channel, owned by ABC-TV at the time.
    I was founding Sr. Prod. having just left CBS-TV in NYC to
    return to my home state of Connecticut…
    Dr. Mel was teaching meteorology at WESCON, his true love
    was teaching…

    He never had a bad word for anyone, flashing that BIG SMILE
    of HIS AT EVERY OPPORTUNITY. I trust his friends
    and fans will turn out in big numbers Friday at 10:30 AM
    for the service.

    He was indeed a “Gentle Soul, with a Heart of Gold.”
    He is missed much by this friend.
    When you think of DR. MEL…just remember
    his great smile…it is contagious !!