Debra to NYC


Congrats to Debra Alfarone who is leaving NBC Connecticut to work at WPIX 11 News in New York. She writes, “I’ll miss my friends at NBC Connecticut and all the great people I’ve met in the state.”


  1. Best of luck to her, yes, but difficult to replace? Na. There are dozens of young coiffed blondes in their early 20s just dying to take her place, many of whom can crank out a story from a mall or the scene of a shooting or car crash..or when two snowflakes fall. And it looks like she’s going to a Tribune station…wait till she sees what she finds there..

  2. Actually, Laura, if you had any sense of what makes a news story, or paid half attention to Debra’s reporting, you would see that she did it creatively and never missed a beat. It made you want to watch! New coiffed blondes can’t easily tell good stories. AND…she’s been working at WPIX for quite some time and LOVES it, they let her be as creative as she wants to be. So, Laura, be quiet and don’t speak about things you know NOTHING about.