Connecticut's Child


He has been omnipresent at every big Connecticut news story since 1958. AP photographer Bob Child is retiring in July. Before working for the AP for 37 years, he was with the New Haven Register for 14 . In the words of colleague Pat Eaton-Robb,  “He began his career in 1958 and has covered every major news event in the state since then. He’s perhaps best known for taking a golf ball off the head at the 1985 GHO on Phil Blackmar’s approach on the final  hole of regulation.  The ball stopped 30 feet from the cup instead of going down an embankment behind the  hole. Blackmar was able to save par.  Bobby received 17 stitches, then shot the playoff that Blackmar won over Jodie Mudd and Dan Pohl.

“It was always fun at news events to watch all the photographers try to figure out where to stand to get the best shot. They always ended up standing next to Bobby.”

Here’s the memo that went out to Bob’s co-workers:
“Bob joined the AP on Feb. 14, 1972, after 14 years at the New Haven Register. He covered the Black Panther trials, a fire at the Danbury federal prison, the Mianus River bridge collapse, the L’Ambiance Plaza collapse in Bridgeport, John Rowland’s resignation and countless political and state government events. He’s been a fixture at football games at Yale and UConn, Connecticut basketball games, the Big East basketball tournament, the Travelers golf tournament and the Pilot Pen tennis tournament. Major news events in Connecticut were often called ‘two-Child events’ when Bob and his twin brother, Pat, a TV photojournalist for WTNH, would attend. Bob’s lifetime commitment to journalism earned him a spot in the Connecticut Journalism Hall of Fame in 2007.”

If you have a Bob story that you’d like to share, please do so.


  1. I distinctly remember a “TWO CHILD” event – the election of Bridgeport Mayor Mary Moran (who would later file for bankruptcy for the city). I was covering her victory speech with Pat Child for NewsChannel 8. I jumped onto the riser to try get a live comment from Mary and Bob elbowed me out of his shot and off the platform. As I fell backward, Pat shoved me back up on the platform, smack into Bob’s way, and in time to get a comment from her for the LIVE SHOT. Pat gave a tiny smile and a wink – thrilled that we had beaten his twin brother. Don’t think that ever happened again!

  2. Bob:
    Wowsers, you are way tooooo young to hang up the Nikons. All of the AP folks who worked in Connecticut have great stories and fond memories of working w/ you. Best wishes for a great retirement.

    Chuck Lewis

  3. I am Pat Child’s youngest daughter and adore my uncle. I must say my jaw dropped when I found out via the internet (of all places) that Unk was retiring. I know that it is hard for any Child to retire. I know my dad didn’t do it easily. All I can say is that I am so proud of all that my uncle has done and I know he is humbled by all the attention. We Childs don’t like the spotlight – we do our best work behind the scenes and never think about all the people we have touched. I also know many will be relieved they don’t have to deal with his elbows or interesting sense of humour.

  4. I retired this year after 36 years with Channel 30…a mere kid in comparision to “my mentor’ Mr Child. I learned years ago to stand next to Bob if you wanted a great shot. I also learned…the hard way, don’t push. Bob responded to light pressure on his shoulder if he crept into your shot. And just like the thourghbred he is, he would back out if coaxed properly. Enjoy your retirement my friend you’ve earned it.

  5. If you’ve ever worked alongside RC3, you know that he can see more through that lens than the rest of us can with wide open eyes. The wire will be much less picturesque without him.

    PS. Bob worked for the New Haven Journal-Courier, not the Register … and took great pleasure in beating the same.