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No Longer "Little Kirby"

The more senior WFSB types and alums will remember Gayle King's daughter, Kirby Bumpus, occasionally coming to the old newsroom at Constitution Plaza and...

Horgan on Full Disclosure

Writer/blogger Denis Horgan, a former Hartford Courant columnist, raises concerns that his old paper's "itowns" section runs submitted pieces -sometimes by former writers for...

More Mika…and Jim…and Richard…

Before Mika Brzezinski worked at WFSB she reported for Channel 61, and during that time she traveled to Haiti with AmeriCares (the global...

WFSB Reunion on MSNBC

On Friday morning former WFSB Anchor Gayle King will appear on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" as part of the NBC/MSNBC "A Woman's Nation" series. The...

How Novel: Married Man/Younger Woman Workplace Affair Goes Sour

Steve Phillips, a baseball analyst for Bristol-based ESPN, had an affair with an assistant and now is taking a leave of absence during the...

"Birth of a Blowhard"

Greg Hladky of the Advocate newspapers ponders the question, "Did Glenn Beck hatch his plan to become a right-wing radio megastar right here on...

D'Ascenzo: Strike, Spare, Splat!

Denise D'Ascenzo, the ageless and steadfast WFSB anchor, never fails to astound us with how beautifully put together she always looks on-air (without resorting...

A Thing of Beauty

We couldn't resist posting this photo:   Watch The Day's Rick Koster and Elissa Bass bravely attempt to conquer the Hall of Famer Burger at Michael Jordan's 23.sportcafe.  The meal...

Freed by DNA, Former Inmate Speaks to Mark Davis

WTNH's Mark Davis has a great piece on Kenneth Ireland - a former Connecticut inmate freed by DNA evidence after 20 years in prison. "It's like waking...

Cooper Still Communicating

Pictured: Tom "Senator" Monahan of WVIT-TV with Chris Cooper Chris Cooper...