Alec Baldwin Meets His Hero. You May Know Him…


    Regular listeners to CT Public(WNPR) may recognize the radio presentation of actor Alec Baldwin who last year did a number of on-air promos for the station. Those promos often included a specific mention of Colin McEnroe.

    Last week McEnroe was a guest on Baldwin’s iHeart podcast Here’s the Thing.

    From the sound of it, Baldwin was not just reading a script when he voiced those WNPR promos. He’s a big fan of McEnroe’s, is fascinated by McEnroe’s journey into radio, his education, background and career.

    The podcast episode is titled – Colin McEnroe: The Orson Welles of Public Radio. That we would say sums up Baldwin’s high opinion of the man we simply know as Colin.

    We suppose at some point we can look forward to Baldwin appearing on McEnroe’s show.