A Yearful of News


(L-R: Haar, Pazniokas, de la Torre, Stuart, Kovner, Vella)

The house was packed at the “Stories Behind the Biggest Stories of 2017” event in Hartford. The evening was sponsored by the CT Foundation for Open Government and moderated by author/columnist Susan Campbell.  Panelists included Dan Haar of Hearst CT, Mark Pazniokas of the CT Mirror, Vanessa de la Torre of WNPR, Christine Stuart of CTNewsJunkie, and Josh Kovner and Vinny Vella of the Hartford Courant. The look-back included de la Torre, a former Courant reporter, discussing her series on 20 years after the  Sheff v. O’Neill decision, Vella on the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Kovner on his patient abuse investigation at Whiting Forensic, and Stuart on the historic budget stalemate.

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