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The response from Courant Publisher/Fox61 General Manager Richard Graziano as reported on the Courant’s web site Friday night:
Earlier in the evening, Veisor and other Fox 61 employees, including Graziano, had been at a fundraiser and then a restaurant in South Windsor. Veisor then headed to a West Hartford restaurant but ended up on Route 4 in Farmington.

Graziano said he got a call from Veisor, who was lost and needed help.

“As I have consistently told our employees, my policy is to help any employee who asks for it, without passing judgment,” Graziano said.

Graziano, who was headed to his Avon home, said he went instead to meet Veisor to help her get home.

Before that could happen, a Farmington police officer pulled into the driving range parking lot. When she was taken into custody, Graziano went home.

Later, Veisor called Graziano from the police department, and he called her a cab to take her home to South Windsor. Police called Graziano back and told him he needed to be at the police station.

When he got there Veisor refused to get into the cab, and Graziano drove her back to her car.

“I was not aware that the Farmington police were holding her driver’s license when Ms. Veisor decided to drive home,” Graziano said. “At all times, my intention and goal was simply Ms. Veisor’s safe return to her home.”


  1. What journalist will have the guts to find out what REALLY happened here? There is obviously way more to this story. One career has probably been ruined (Veisor) but TWO careers should be over based on what I am reading. What kind of president, publisher, GM, etc would be in a parked car with a drunk employee at 1am, and then drop her back off later back at her car while she was still drunk? Where there’s smoke…………….