Editor of Local Radio Magazine Dies in Fire


Joel Kleinman, a 64 year old Meriden resident was killed Saturday afternoon after a fire broke out at his home. Kleinman was the managing editor of the American Radio Relay League’s monthly magazine, QST. Prior to QST, he worked for ARRL, ham radio’s national organization.  Our condolences go out to his friends, family and coworkers. To see more click here.


  1. Joel, Amateur Radio Call N2BKE, was a very popular, talented writer one correction the American Radio Relay League is the membership non-profit organization that promotes Amateur Radio around the world. In doing so they produce a 184 magazine each month of which Joel was responsible for members around the world. On the league’s property on Main Street in Newington is W1AW one of the most famous ham stations in the world, the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station. RIP Joel –


    John M. West N1IWT
    Southington, CT