Baby News


Congratulations to NBC Connecticut morning anchor Yvonne Nava who is 5 months pregnant and expecting a baby in October. As for the gender? “We were first told it was a girl. We told our families, had names and nursery patterns picked out. A week later another tech said it was a boy.  Looks like yellow will be the way to go!!”  All the best to her and husband Alex Loeb, who is an online sports anchor for

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  1. Dear Family,Your mom is finally home. Lorraine was such a beauitful woman, in every aspect of life. Always smiling, always friendly, so caring and giving. Lorraine embodied everything we are supposed to be. Proud of her heritage, loyal to her faith, generous to all; Lorraine was such a happy mother. Jody & I were priveleged to have shared her joy.Jody & Bob McGoldrick