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Follow up now on a story we told you about a few weeks ago, long before anyone else did.

Changes are taking place at MSNBC that will turn the network in the direction of CNN and away from the multi-year effort to create a liberal counter balance to Fox News. At least during the day.

Mike Allen of Politico(former NYT Connecticut bureau reporter)revealed Thursday that Meet the Press host Chuck Todd will soon begin anchoring a daily, hour long political news round up. This schedule change is a prelude to the return of Brian Williams who will play the part of Shepard Smith on MSNBC.

More changes are in the offing in what is described as an attempt to make the cable network an extension of NBC News. Which is ironic, because over the last several years most news talent at NBC has tried to keep a professional distance from MSNBC as the network leaned so far left it left the country.

As we reported earlier, only Morning Joe and Rachel Maddow are considered safe in this re-shuffling.