Dodd Comments on the Media


In his farewell speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Sen. Chris Dodd comments on the state of the media in America.  He remarks on the ‘declining role for newspapers, radio and network journalists’ that cover Congress. Sen Dodd highlights that when he entered Congress there were 11-12 members of the press covering the Connecticut delegation. Now, there is only 1.

To hear his comments, go to the 8:00 mark.




  1. Hey Ameena,How do I check my own blog? I have no idea what I’m looking for. I could ask my mom who reads it, but that would be the blind ldinaeg the blind type of thing! I leave blogs quickly when things get too difficult, too. That’s the last thing I want to have happen at my place.My self-hosted WP site is okay I think. Blogger has a terrible commenting system. I don’t know if I have any problems.Great advice. Thanks!Betsy