Cliche Addiction


Greg Hladky, Betsy Yagla and Co. have an excellent piece in the Advocate this week giving readers a guide to the 2010 primaries.

However, Greg does a significant public service this week in another Advocate piece.  In it, he urges all of us to STOP THE WRESTLING CLICHES!

It was irresistible and everyone got into the act. But it’s gotten out of hand and indications are that reporters and editors have become addicted.

On May 20th, ABC News trumpeted “WWE Mogul Charges into Conn. Political Smackdown.” And two days later, it was the Wall Street Journal’s turn: “McMahon, Simmons to Stage Connecticut Smackdown.”

The damned thing is spreading. Witness this week’s Advocate front page, touting “Primary Smackdown” for Q and A interviews with candidates in all kinds of state primary contests.

We couldn’t agree more.