Don Was Back, But It Was Brief



Not long ago The Laurel told you that former WFSB anchor Don Lark was returning to Connecticut.  Word was that he had been hired by Republican Linda McMahon’s Senate campaign to do communications work. But recently we’d been hearing that it was a short-lived stint. Here’s some information from a friend at the McMahon campaign:

Don was brought on early in the campaign to help with pre-announcement organizational work, as well as to assist with a large communications workload before and during the kickoff phase. Once the campaign got off the ground, he returned to his job and existing clients in New York.

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  1. We watched Don at WSTM with Jackie Robinson. He is still a solid reporter. Syracuse has had a huge upheaval in the news arena, including the CBS affiliate shutting down its news operations leaving WSTM (up the street) to provide content for WTVH.