Pane Retiring From AP


In what she described as a “long post” on Facebook, former Associated Press Connecticut Capitol Bureau Chief Lisa Marie Pane has announced she is retiring from the wire service June 4, after working there a total of 26 years.

At a moment like this it is difficult to put down the superlative dictionary and simply write the story, but the highest tribute we can pay to Lisa is to just give you the facts as she has for nearly four decades in journalism. In as close to AP style as possible.

Lisa is a Connecticut native and worked at the Hartford Courant before joining the AP to cover the administration of former Governor Lowell P. Weicker. She briefly left journalism to serve as communications director for then Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, but returned to the AP after a few years.

Despite decades on the sharp end of the pencil, Lisa has no known enemies as a result of her search for the facts. That’s because she has always been an honest broker, with no agenda, who has risen throughout her career based on the merits by following the facts where they lead and telling the stories she has covered by writing one true sentence at a time until the picture reveals itself.

In recent years, Lisa has devoted herself to another passion; photography. It’s something she plans to continue to pursue full time once she clears AP airspace. Her work from behind the lens is consistently stunning. We wish her the best.

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