"Mark the Shark" No Longer with WVIT


Traffic Reporter Mark Christopher is no longer with WVIT-TV (Channel 30). Producer Chris Ayotte (love her) has been filling in for the past two weeks.  Stay tuned as to who fills that spot….

Meanwhile, here’s an update from Mark himself on how life changed after the birth of 13-month old Zachary:

“Bottom line daddy was sleep deprived and heading for a early grave.  When my employer Metro Networks announced in May they were closing the Hartford office, I decided it was time for someone new to take the traffic gig over at NBC 30. I was very fortunate not to lose my job when Metro bolted for Boston and I was able to work out an agreement  where I would work from home for Metro exclusively for the CBS Radio stations in Hartford. Jeff Hugabon and I built a studio in my home and as of Monday I don’t have to commute to Farmington twice a day. Now I have time to have breakfast with my son…and I’ve even been spotted at the dinner table. In the morning I report traffic for Craig and Company on 96 TIC-FM and I’m on the 50,000 watt flame thrower WTIC news talk 1080  with Ray Dunaway from 8:38 to 9:05. In the afternoon I report trafiic on WTIC 1080, I also work with Damon Scott on 96 TIC-FM and with Joe Hann on LITE 100.5 WRCH.”
Sounds like a great lifestyle decision. Meanwhile, check out “Little Shark”:
littleshark1 (2)


  1. Couldn’t stand you on the radio and when you hit Ch 30 couldn’t stand you there. Sure you will make a better father than you do a traffic reporter…

    Not going to miss you. Who could miss a guy called Shark?

  2. Oh please spare me the inuendo.
    Not jealous, jealous of what.
    When I left the industry it was because of health reasons. So sir, there is no need to be jealous of Mark.
    He is a great DJ but too many times traffic problems were not reported in areas that are traveled redundantly by motorists. He needs more live feeds from people actually not working for them to give them accurate tips on traffic.

    Ray Sabb

  3. My mother always said if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. It’s nice to see a father being that involved and still able to work. This world would be a lot better if there were more fathers who spent time with their children

  4. Mark was never comfortable on camera, it seemed like you could watch his skin crawl everytime he was live. I say good riddance and I am thankful they got someone to replace him. I forgot her name but she certainly has talent, 2 huge talents in fact! nice eye candy, makes me want to watch the traffc report again!

  5. Who cares if Ray Sabb is better or worse than the Shark. He is definitely nastier. And ‘Anonymous (more hate)… what sad lives that people feel the need to spread nastiness for no productive reason. Do you feel better? Are you the big guys now? pitiful.

  6. @Ray Sabb… A year ago, but I knew you’d be “notify me of follow-up comments” listening because being a nasty, know-it-all is important to you. Not catching up. Currently researching information and disgusted by such mean posts that serve no purpose. Except to allow a blow hard to spew. I’m betting you won’t be able to stop yourself from trying to get the last know-it-all word, but I’m out. pitiful.

  7. @disgusted: Pitiful, I think not. Know it all, far from it. Blow hard, NOT! At least I do not stand behind a fictitious name to post. I am who I am. Like I said, if Mark had some live feed data from other than a scanner or a video feed, but actually from listeners I would be the first to call him with a traffic situation. Congrats Mark on the little Shark. I spend a lot of time with my sons and enjoy every minute with them. You cherish that time with him.