The Good Shepard


Shep Smith. O ye of the super sized i-Pads.

One of the best ways to get the attention of the news media is to play against type. This is why you were told in journalism school that “news is when a man bites a dog.”

If you don’t believe your professor, ask Senator John McCain, who made the news media his political base by being willing to openly criticize members of his own Republican Party during his record breaking number of Sunday news show appearances.

Or ask Megyn Kelly, who turned her willingness to ask tough questions of Republicans(including Donald Trump), while she was a star at Fox News, into a multi-million dollar contract at NBC.

Now, according to the Washington Post, Shepard Smith(the man with the large i-Pads in his studio) is employing the same approach to the Trump administration and earning the scorn of Fox viewers. One has even accused Smith of going “full Rachel Maddow.”