Argus Fallout


Some more fallout spotted in this week’s LTE section of the Wesleyan Argus.

Alumni have been writing in about what appears to be student government retaliation against the paper following the publication of a controversial op-ed on the Black Lives Matter movement. Por ejemplo

I just got a fundraising call from Wesleyan and to be perfectly frank, since the WSA has voted to cut the Argus’s funding, I honestly do not want to donate any of my money to the university. What kind of message are wesending to the students ? If you don’t tow party line, you will be silenced ? Cutting funding to the media because they express a different viewpoint is the antithesis of liberalism and is in essence, totalitarianism. Read More…

We’re sure someone in alumni relations(fundraising) is saying; grrrreat!

It should be noted that the Wesleyan student government denies there is anything behind recent funding cuts to the Argus other than prudent management.