Kudlow Update


First of all we have to say congratulations to Dennis House of WFSB for pushing the New York Times to write a story about Larry Kudlow. The CNBC contributor, radio host and Connecticut resident is considering a run for the U.S. Senate next year against Richard Blumenthal.

It was Kudlow’s remarks on Face the State this past weekend that served as the hook for the Times to take a deeper look into the story.

Having said that, the Times story reveals a few things. Kudlow’s reason for running seems to be evolving away from a protest over Blumenthal’s vote on the Iran nuclear agreement and toward an economic message. Kudlow seems prepared to lose in an effort to make a point about Democratic economic policies he feels are taking the country in the wrong direction. This means the Connecticut race could serve as the centerpiece of a national debate on economic policy and Kudlow’s ties to the New York based national news media could draw more attention than usual to a contest considered safe for Democrats.

Finally, as part of the decision making process, Kudlow is planning to meet with former Senator Joseph Lieberman for advice and counsel.