Enterprise Award


This week’s enterprise award goes to Neil Vigdor of the Hearst Connecticut newspapers for his follow up with state Senator Scott Frantz on the re-naming of Mt. McKinley as Denali.

Vigdor, or someone in his newsroom, remembered that Senator Frantz named his four children after well known mountain peaks and one of them is McKinley. He got the senator’s reaction to the name change and confirmed there are no name changes planned in the Frantz family.

“I don’t appreciate the change at all,” Frantz told Hearst Connecticut Media Monday. “My kids are named after mountains in Alaska, and they’re taking that one away. I say that with tongue and cheek.”

“We’re going to run with the name McKinley,” Frantz said.

But I think we will give the winning headline to CT Capitol Report for putting a fine point on the issue at hand:

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