Go To Thinker


There’s been a dearth or paucity of developments in local news media circles over the last few days so we hope you don’t mind us delving into some stories and observations that lean national.

Can’t help but notice that when President Obama has something he wants to explain – in long form – he likes to turn to New York Times columnist Tom Friedman.

He did so again this week in an effort to explain the recently negotiated nuclear deal with Iran. Friedman is known as a world policy deep thinker, willing to listen to any argument, and more than willing to follow up with his own hard facts analysis. Friedman’s approach as a writer seems to appeal to President Obama, because it is largely devoid of emotion and meaningless political rhetoric which the president purports to detest.

When he left the White House, former press secretary Jay Carney revealed Obama is a voracious reader of news magazines in hard copy form. Again – lengthier, more thoughtful content. The New York Times did its own analysis of the president’s news habits back in 2012.

Image – NYT