

Remember that post from a few days ago about the risks of starting your own news website? Well here’s a possible exception, or not:

According to the New York Times, podcasting is on a slow and steady growth curve. The article acknowledges there have been moments when podcasting has been declared dead and others when it has been declared the next big thing, but that may be the point. Unlike other forms of new media, podcasting seems to be getting bigger at a rational pace and success depends on quality.

Like Internet news sites, podcasting allows publishers to deliver directly to the consumer without the need to own the old fashioned means of production; like printing presses, distribution trucks, or in this case a radio station.

Podcast Flashback: At this year’s White House Correspondents’ dinner, comedian Cecily Strong commented on the success of the podcast Serial and the general observation that public radio hosts often sound as if they are whispering:

Strong: Serial finally let people know what it would sound like if someone slowly whispered an episode of Dateline into their ear.